Albany Glass supply replacement glass for stoves, fireplace glass, log burner glass and electric fire glass in the Kenilworth, Bedworth, Coventry, Nuneaton and Warwick area.
Stove glass is the most frequently requested spare part for any kind of stove. Typically, it is due to an accident rather than manufacture fault and as such we carry glass for all types of multi fuel, wood burning stove or fireplace.
The type of glass used in stoves differs vastly from ordinary glass. Standard ceramic glass is made from transparent ceramic that can maintain its integrity in temperatures in excess of 600 degrees C. We supply cut-to-order Robax glass that is manufactured to withstand temperatures up to 700 degrees C.
Occasionally log burner glass can be damaged due to corrosive impurities contained with the wood. The impurities in the firebox burn at incredibly high temperatures and eventually damage the glass. Robax ceramic glass is ideal for log burners with a virtually zero thermal expansion and excellent heat resistant properties.